Friday, November 27, 2009

Is that the time already?

I joined a gym a few weeks ago. I am decidedly not the sort of person that joins a gym, but desperately needed something that would give me some exercise. The gym is both (a) painfully expensive and (b) located in the same building as The Day Job. Both these factors make it easier to attend regularly. I'm managing to maintain a 3 times a week schedule. Let's hope it continues. I do actually come away feeling better each time. Amazing.

I have an automated radio station at Radionomy. It's kind of in its infancy, but has on occasion come up with excellent tracks that I wasn't familiar with. You could call the format "eclectic", for want of a better term. There is a mixture of classic rock/AC/alternative, and a few Hebrew songs thrown in for good measure. I also included a daily reggae hour. For some obscure reason, the Radionomy system likes to bung in French songs from time to time. Not that there's anything wrong with that, but they don't really "fit" with anything else.

You can find a player over on the right. Let me know what you think.

Gute shabbes!

Monday, November 9, 2009

Voices of Peace

Well, there now appear to be not one, but two reincarnations of the Voice of Peace.

Radius 100FM continues with the daily show at 18:00 Sun-Thurs & Sat. Listen at 100FM or It's now been joined by a 24/7 Internet station at Far be it from me to suggest which is the best (ahem...) but in any case, you now have more opportunities to indulge in a little nostalgia for what was a much-loved pirate station from 1973-1993.